Mental Health Initiatives Funding Scheme (Phase 2) | Prof. Ken HO * Prof. Wai Tong CHIEN Prof. Stanley LAM Dr. Kai Chow CHOI | Age with good mood: A volunteer-network-based medical-social collaborative programme for supporting underprivileged older adults  |
Prof. Regina LEE * Prof. Wai Tong CHIEN * Prof. Connie CHONG | SWELE programme: An unstructured outdoor play with mindfulness-based interventions to promote mental health in SEN children and adolescents |
Association for Contextual Behavioural Science (ACBS) Research Development Grant | Dr. Melody LI * Prof. Jojo WONG | Effects of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for fatigue interference in patients with advanced lung cancer and caregiver burden |
Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG) for 2022-25 Triennium | Prof. Ka Ming CHOW * | Implementation of interprofessional team-based simulation training and evaluation of its effects on interprofessional collaboration |
Prof. Fiona TANG * | Use of multiple-choice question writing to engage nursing students in deep learning and develop higher-order thinking skills |
Prof. Sek Ying CHAIR | Virtual Reality-based Interactive Simulator of Clinical Teaching (VR-ISCT) for the assessment and management of medical patients |
Prof. Ka Ming CHOW Prof. Marques NG | Development of an innovative eLearning package to facilitate learning of radiographic assessment of lines and tubes and their potential complications – Implementing artificial intelligence (AI) and game-based learning |