Mr. CHIM Wong Kit, Roy
- 3943 0534
- RN, BN, MSc in Cardiology, PRCC in Cardiac Care Nursing, FHKANM (Cardiac), APN (Cardiac Nursing), Specialty Nurse (Cardiac Care Nursing)
- ELB801
Areas of Expertise
- Cardiac care nursing
Awards & Honours
Sub Category | Awards & Honours |
Award | Poster Award, Pedagogical Innovation, Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2023, CUHK (2023) |
Honour | Fellow Member, Hong Kong College of Cardiac Nursing (2024 – Present) |
Honour | Honorary Advanced Practice Nurse, New Territories East Cluster, Hospital Authority (2022 – Present) |
Honour | Advanced Practice Nurse (Cardiac Nursing), Nursing Council of Hong Kong (2021) |
Honour | Specialty Nurse (Cardiac Care Nursing), Hospital Authority (2020) |
Honour | Clinical Mentor, The Nethersole School of Nursing, CUHK (2017) |
Honour | Honorary Clinical Instructor, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2015) |